KOPPLING.TXT AIS-inkopplingen 6/8-2012
| |
pwr v--|-----------------+-----------|--v pwr (DC 12v)
out ^-|-----------------|-----+-----|-^ in
| | | |
pwr v--|-----------------+ | |
out ^-|-----------------|-----+ |
\|/ | | | |
| | red black |
| AIS +----O= plug | (+) (-) |
| | +--+ | |
| +------+ | | | |
+--| |--röd---+ | |\ /| RS232 NMEAout |\
| |--blå-----+---|5| - - - |5|--yellow yellow--|5| - - - to comp/plotter
| |--gul---------|2| - - - |2|>-orange gray--->|2| - - -
+------+ |/ |3|<-pink (38.4) |/
\| (38.4) |
| |
+----O= plug | |
+----+ | +--+ | |
| +--|-----------+ | | |
| | .0 | |\ /| NMEAin |
| +-0 0------------+---|5| - - - |5|--white |
| 0-----------------|2| - - - |2|>-green |||| |
+----------------------|3| \| (4.8) |||| |
|/ +-----------------------------+
GPS ||
|| (AWM cabel)
| |
AWM | |
plug : 2.1*5.5mm pin=plus
AIS : 50 mA Comar AIS-2-NMEA s/n:200099 mars 2008
GPS : 40 mA Garmin GPSMAP76 s/n:76371221 juli 2007
AWM : 100 mA VesperMarine AISWatchMate WM670 s/n:EZ51818 juli 2012
( 60 mA with half brightness)
( 20 mA with display off )
D-sub conectors wired to accept connection to PC
Setup: I/O ports: RS232 I/O : AIS rec
NMEA input : GPS/NMEA 0183
NMEA output: Chart plotter
Firmware update of AWM requires a twisted cable connected to the AIS/RS232 connector.
Also need to set the RS232 I/O port to Computer.