My other interests besides sailing

Relax - there will be more to come....
I hope to expand this page - when there is spare time left!

One of my - now days - most important activities is to take care of my health.
Now it happened to go the right way with my heart attack, but it is amazing that you have to pass thru the hospital in order to find out a more proper way of living!
I am not direct interested in heart attacks, but I strongly want all those hit by a heart attack to take care of themselves and have a good living.
And especially all those that, for different reasons, are next to have a heart attack to take advice from those that "has been hit"!
Many that has been hit out there did never think they could be hit!
It is very tricky to forecast - especially about the future!
Take care of yourself - start the day with some exercise!

is an interest that I do not have time enough to carry out to the extent that I would prefer.
There are just so many things that has to be taken care of...
I am running a Swedish program named DisGen that I like very much.
I have put in what my father collected but since then there has not been that much time and engagement needed to really search further.
Anyhow, there are over 600 individuals in the database...
My very ancestor was Zacharias Månsson, he died 1708 in Ljungby.
His son Nicolaus Zachrisson Ljungdahl,1678-1732 was living at Flöxhult in Älghult, and was the first one to use the name Ljungdahl.
Are YOU a Ljungdahl - and do we have any common ancestor?
Check out here!

My daily work has to a great extent involved a lot of computers.
Since 1964 I have been working with Flight Simulators for the Swedish Air Force.
In the beginning there was Analog Computers, next there was Sequencial Digital Computers with drum memories,
before the more modern computers arrived.
Today there are multi computer system with a lot of embedded processors.
The programming has evolved from soldering, relays, servo systems, operation amplifiers
through coding in machine code, assembler, Fortran
and today we are using Pascal, Ada, C, C++, HTML, Java, etc.
But still some of the embedded systems for instance are written in assembler - but ever there more and more are using high level languages.
And still - sometimes you have to use soldering!

Internet of today has an obvious backside - Computer Virus!
And they will probably stay with us for ever!
So - we have to learn how to deal with it
- and how to prevent it from hearting us!



Another thing : there are no electrical failure - only mechanical!
When did you hear of an electron that did not function properly?
The failure is mostly that the electron is prohibited to travel properly...

Think about it!