When swinging and have to sail from there...
First one has to lose all mooring roops.
And catch home all "exessive" anchor chain.
Now is time to decide how to make the departure. Shall we go this way or that way?
One have to put the rudder the way one deside to fall off. Here I have decided to go port.
Then one must "start the engines" - that means to get under sails. The engine in a sailboat is just - the sails!
Now I wind up all anchor chain until the anchor is almost just right below.
Since the boat is slightly moving back and forth in the wind I have to wait for the right moment - that is when she is going my way.
And my decision was port.
The picture shows the moment when I am weighting the anchor.
And the wind is filling the sails from starbord...
I wind up the anchor to just below the surface.
If needed I have to sheet aweather a jib, then sheeting and sailing my way out as I planned.
As seen in the picture she was drifting somewhat until she cathed up speed.
And we are on way.
When reached free water I will catch the anchor and secure it on deck.
Since I have a jib bow with guys it is fairly easy having one foot on the guy to lift the anchor on board.
It is put with one fluke over the bow and the leg under the jib bow on deck.
Sometime I will heave to in order to more easy catch the anchor...