Filen notop.htm
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script language="JavaScript">
  var thisurl = location.href;          // where we are
  var urlarg = new Array();             // the arguments of above
  urlarg = thisurl.split("?");          // do the argument split by the ?
  if(thisurl.indexOf('?') != -1){       // we can process the request !
    var title=unescape(urlarg[2]);
    var frameset='<frameset cols="1,*" frameborder="0" border="0">'+
     '<frame src="" name="dummy" scrolling="no" noresize>'+
     '<frame src="'+urlarg[1]+'" name="notop" scrolling="auto"></frameset>';
  else {                                // tell how to do ...
    var title='TopLess';
    var frameset='<body><center><b>To kill the TopList:</b><br><br>'+
     'Submit <font color="#ff0000"><i>requested url</i></font> as <b>1st</b> '+
     'argument after the calling url to this place.<br>'+
     'Use a questionmark to start the argument<br>'+
     'The argument will be opened in the notop frame<br>'+
     '.. thus avoiding the top list to be active.<br>'+
     'To the left there will be a dummy frame of 1 pixel width.<br><br>'+
     'A <b>2nd</b> argument, again started with a questionmark, '+
     'will be the <font color="#ff0000"><i>name of the browser window</i></font><br>'+
     '<br><a href="2do.htm">Read more how to do</a></center></body>';
  window.document.title=title;          // set the window title
  document.write(frameset);             // do the framing and loading
// -->

OBS! detta är bara en demo...